This week, I felt that time is finite. This week will be the last week I can see one of my international friends because he will return back to his country at the end of Thanksgiving break. Also, when I finish the final exams in school, half of my international friends will leave here. I couldn't imagine the day we will say goodbye the first time we met. However, as the days pass, I come to feel the time to be apart from them. ONU is the best school for international students because a really good support system for us is ONU. Thanks to that, we could make a good relationship among us. That's why I would like to spend one more semester with them if possible. 

 I knew that time is finite but at the same time, I didn't know time is finite. Even if I try to go against time, it is impossible, and I will also finish ONU at the end of next semester. When I realize that one of my friends will leave here soon, I thought about how I can be smart to spend my time. I don't know the answer. Not only for friends but also for everything, I realized again time is finite and time is precious. I want to remember this in my life.


  1. I am so glad that you chose to come to Ohio Northern, Aika! The memories you made while at Ohio Northern will last a lifetime. Hopefully you will be able to stay in touch with your friends even after they return to their country. I have learned the best way to savor memories is to take lots of pictures.

  2. Time is a weird and wonderful thing. You don't think about it passively much and as a result large swaths of it can pass quickly without you noticing. It felt just like yesterday I saw a brand new freshman, and now I am one year away from graduating. Cherish the memories whenever they come whenever you can, before you know it they will have passed.

  3. Time is weird as sometime it seems like it is going super slow and then other times it seems to fly by. It is important to stay present at all times to ensure that you don't lose sight of the important things in life.

  4. I think that time is something a lot of us fail to recognize. Playing mindless games on my phone can take priority over new or healthy experiences. I believe that we can learn a lot from the students who come here from other countries. It’s sad that some of your friends are leaving and I hope they had a great time here.


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