Bright Weekend

I had last weekend like a moment even though I had three days of no classes. I had three big schedules; a polar pal, lunch with a new friend, and two birthday parties. Polar pal event was where domestic students paired up with an international student and enjoyed watching an American football game, soccer games, and communicating. The pairs were made based on the background of international students and the interests of domestic students. Therefore, one of my mentors does speak Japanese and shared her experience in Japan. There are few opportunities to talk about my country with foreign people and get a different aspect of my own county so the polar pal event was an inspiring experience for me. I'm studying abroad now because I would like to know more about the world so I'm usually told or taught about that by people living here, but in the polar pal, I told about my country or about myself. I had a valuable experience that I could not do if I stayed in Japan.

Moreover, I had lunch with a new friend. After coming here, I usually have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with international students, so even having lunch with others makes me excited. It sounds stupid, but it cost me a lot of energy because I had mixed emotions of nervousness and enjoyment. Therefore, this was also a big thing for me. I'm struggling to tell my feelings in English with appropriate expression but I would like to make my daily goals come true such as talking to new people. 

Also, there held two of my friends' birthdays during the weekend. I was delighted to be with them on their birthday and celebrate the days because most of the students at ONU live away from their families so it might be difficult to always celebrate their own birthday with family. As a surprise party, honoring an annual day makes people organizing the party pleased as well. My weekend was full of contentment and happiness, and I could make such a nice memory. 


  1. Happy late labor day! I'm glad yo enjoyed your first long weekend here at ONU! Making new friends here is important so I'm glad you are finding opportunities to do that. My first semester here was a rough time for me when it came or making friends. But with time it'll only get easier.

    Funny enough I just decided over the weekend I'll be studying abroad in Ireland! So hopefully I can follow in your footsteps and share my experiences and learn even more abroad like you.

    I'm glad you got to stay around this weekend and celebrate birthdays and holidays alike here. Here's to many more adventures!

  2. I enjoyed this post Akia, I like that you're getting to know the university better and that you're getting a better sense of what ONU has to offer. As someone who's been here their whole life, I can tell you that Ada has a great community and I'm glad you're enjoying it.

  3. I love to hear of your experience so far at Ohio Northern! It is awesome that you have been able to be exposed to some great events already and plan to see some more. It is also great that you are willing to meet new friends and go have lunch with them. There is so much to explore on campus that I am sure you will meet several more new people. I am glad you are enjoying your first few weeks here and wish nothing but great weeks ahead.


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