Marketing with Twitter

 Twitter is also one of the marketing platforms and various business companies activate their own Twitter as advertisements. On Twitter Marketing, it is important to create a business profile and make the most of using pinned tweet system. Focusing on Header Photo, it is a place to show the featured products of the company, and also the latest campaign or promotion. The header photo should be changed occasionally such as each campaign or new product. Using the pinned Tweet is also an effective strategy for Marketing with Twitter. It helps the audience to find the important topic of the company easily. 

 Looking at Starbucks' Twitter account, there is a limited-drink photo on its header photo, and it comes people up with the fall season. Pumpkin taste drinks are the latest campaign followers can see the new tastes only by looking at the pictures. Additionally, Starbucks uses the pinned tweet. The pinned tweet promotes pumpkin drinks as well. Actually, the pinned tweet has to be updated to make the latest news highlighted. Starbucks often tweets about the promotion of new taste drinks but it might be difficult to catch up with the all on Twitter because its information passes faster than on other platforms. Therefore, Pinned Tweets help users to find the limited product easily. Pinned Tweet and Header photos give the first impression to followers because they are shown to them at first on Twitter's account pages. It is needed to optimize the utilities of Twitter for marketing. 


  1. I have never used Twitter, however after reading this chapter I think I might have to join. It is crazy how fast tweets pass through because of the vast number of tweets posted. Pinning tweets is a great feature to make sure consumers see the most important tweets a brand posts. For Starbucks, pinning seasonal drinks is a no brainer!


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