Selecting an Appropriate Platform

 It is supposed to use an adequate social media platform that is suitable for the content you would post in social media marketing. When you would like to sell something related to healthcare for elderly people, it is going to be ineffective and nonproductive if you use Snapchat. It might be better to use Instagram for advertising your products or on Twitter. 

Recently, almost all of the information can be seen on social media such as fashion trends that were seen in fashion magazines before. Instagram makes it easier to find trendy items for customers, so for companies, Instagram is one of the important advertising tools for companies. Also, some Youtubers support apparel companies and show their products. Now even YouTube is also a marketing platform. Many people including some elderly people and younger children use Instagram and YouTube so these can have a wide variety of language and audiences for advertising. It seems Fashion brands succeed in advertising because by using those platforms to get more attention or to collect many more customers. Therefore, it is essential to use the appropriate platform for marketing. There are different needs. If you are a photographer, it is better to sell your pictures on Instagram or Pinterest. Like this, sometimes it is requested to quit the current account or create a new one for effective marketing. 


  1. That is a good observation. The elderly who may not be very familiar with how social media works may not succeed as being a targeted audience on certain platforms. I believe that the best platform for marketing for the elderly would be Facebook since it has been around for a long time and has the ability to look at a lot of your personal data to advertise to your interest. An elderly man who enjoys playing golf will be more likely get an advertisement for a sports company than an advertisement for home decorations. But Twitter is also a good platform since it has been the most popular when political leaders use it to encourage people to vote for them.


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