Almost half of the fall semester has passed since classes started. At the begging of the classes, I wore thin clothes but now I have to stay warm because it is freezing and windy outside. I feel it has been done really speedy. Actually, I talked about how to use up our dining dollars wisely during the rest of the semester with my friends. 

 At first, I didn't compare the differences carefully between my county and the U.S. because I was busy doing what was right in front of me. However, now that I have a routine for my school and a broader perspective to see around me, so I often compare and reflect on experiences. And I found myself accustomed to American things. For example, not taking off shoes even inside rooms, talking to people easily, mostly fully visible restroom doors, saying "bless you", and a box can make leftovers when I can't finish the food. I like those American cultures and also I think some American culture should be in Japan as well. 
Also, American cultures are not only those things so I'm really excited to experience more such as seasonal events. I thought being used to new circumstances was too much for me but now I can feel it is interesting and I want to explore more. I could gain new knowledge and experience during only half a semester so I expect to gain more after the end of the fall semester. 


  1. It is really cool to see how much experience and knowledge you have gained in only 1/2 a semester. I think its cool to see how things that seem normal to us who have been in America our whole lives are strange or different to people who haven't been here long.

  2. I'm glad to see you are experiencing some more American culture! Even in a small town like Ada there is a lot to learn. Fun thing is that some of the customs here in Ohio are different than in other places in America. For example, in Ohio some people in more rural areas take the first day on hunting season off, while in more urban areas like Rhode Island there is no such practice. I hope you continue to learn much more!

  3. I am glad to see that you seem to be having a positive experience here. I think that your experiences as a study abroad student can be an example of how to recognize and apricate the small things in life for people who are used to it. Doing well academically is important but getting the most out of the social experiences in college is fun. I wonder what aspects of American culture you would like to see in Japan.

  4. Its really fascinating to see how you adjusted to American societal norms. I think it has to be a challenge, but some find it easier to adjust. I am glad you are enjoying our country and its customs. I have always wanted to go to Korea to explore society over there!


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