Marketing with LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the one of good platforms to have relationships with customers for brands. Actually, ninety-two percent of brands make the most of LinkedIn and seventy-seven percent of professionals use it to find content related to something professional. LinkedIn is the platform for people who look for professional information.

Social media has a lot of information including fake information, so it is not easy for brands marketing on social media to gain the real trust of customers. In terms of the trustworthy, LinkedIn is the best platform because it is "undisputedly the most trusted platform" according to a Business Insider study. Building trust is the most important tip to succeed in social media marketing. It is simply because customers spend money if brands are not reliable and brands cannot make money. Also, as for B2B marketers, the trust between companies is essential so LinkedIn, which is the most dependable tool, is used by them after Facebook, and Instagram.

I have never used LinkedIn before so I don't know what's going on LinkedIn. However, I read the textbook and learned that LinkedIn is more official social media than Facebook and this is the most reliable platform for brands. I guess BtoB company should use LinkedIn because of its reliability but using LinkedIn for marketing would be difficult to get customers if the brands are BtoC. That's because it is professional social media and I don't think people normally go to LinkedIn on purpose to get products. 
