I usually watch Vlogs on YouTube when I have free time. A vlog is a video blog but it is easier and more fun for me to watch. Vlogs are shown on YouTube mainly, and not only influencers but also anyone can upload their daily blog as a video. I have never watched some brands' vlogs before, but have watched vloggers promoting some brands' production on their vlogs. Recently, also on Instagram I often see reel vlogs. It means any platform allows vloggers to post videos. Also, brands can promote their products on any kind of platform as vlogs. One of the reasons vlogs are popular now is that viewers can see the real life of vloggers so viewers can have closer relationships with vloggers. This mentions the importance of using influencers for promotion currently. Brands should have each platform and work on them, and also use influencers especially vloggers to promote products. 


  1. Hello, just a quick question this time. When you say vlogs in reels, are you referring to the multi-minute reels that can now be posted? Thanks for the clarification!

  2. I love vlogs, seeing different peoples lives really intrests me. I do feel this causes issues in people comparing their lives to others. I do enjoy seeing peoples different perspective on things and I personally love to watch the athlete ones!


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